Day 213 of A Year of Deep Listening

Day 213 of A Year of Deep Listening


JUMP!, by Maria Bilbao·Herrera

This text is accompanied by the sound (produced naturally or otherwise) of long, audible inhale and exhale, known in vinyasa yoga as ujjayi (“victorious”) breath.

Caraqueña & nomad by nature, Maria has lived and worked in 9 cities in the last 20 years. Artist & organizer she merges creative expression, critical thought and self ♫ proposing participatory, collaborative/experimental experiences that incorporate performance video/sound. She received the Rita K Hillman Award of Excellence from the ICP in New York. Artist-in-residence at ZK/U in Berlin (2016), where she got deeply into philosophy from Flusser to Cage. Cofounder of nodoCCS, an experimental platform for the arts. She is currently recipient of a scholarship from the Center for Deep Listening.