
Day 236 of A Year of Deep Listening


BEFORE THE CONCERT, by Herine Coetzee Koschak

An avid conversationalist, cellist Herine Coetzee Koschak is on a lifelong quest to engage in meaningful and personal exchanges through music. Herine is a founding member of Fifth House Ensemble and is regularly heard on local and national radio stations and concert stages, as well as on the Cedille record label.

Day 235 of A Year of Deep Listening



This score creates space to listen to words and phrases forward, backwards and as assemblages of movable phonetic sound. It opens up words as always in movement and en route toward other possible words. The action of composition creates time and presence. 

Margaret Christakos is a Canadian poet and writer. She has published 11 collections, as well as a memoir and novel. She lives in Toronto. 

Day 234 of A Year of Deep Listening



Cassia Streb is a sound artist who lives and works in Los Angeles, California. She writes music for specific situations and for special places. Her work is often composed for friends and colleagues in order to highlight aspects of their musicality that she admires. Cassia plays viola, small percussion instruments and found objects in her work with improvisation and interpretation of notated scores. Some of her recent projects include Sound House, an interactive sound and puppet piece and Music for Your Inbox, a digital concert platform that presents experimental visual and sound artists.

Day 233 of A Year of Deep Listening


JOY, by Alexis Porfiriadis

The verbal piece ‘Joy’ is part of the collection of verbal scores ‘Words for Sounds’ (2010-19).

PhD in Composition at Bath Spa University/UK, master’s degree and postgraduate diploma in Composition at the University for Music and Performing Arts Graz/Austria. Since 2008 his compositions consist mainly of verbal/graphic open form scores or combinations of conventional notation with verbal and/or graphic notation. Selected prizes and awards: 1st Prize in the Franco Evangelisti International Composition Competition 2020, 3d Prize in the Second International Composition Competition for String Quartet by Molinari Quartet 2005, State grand for Composition of the Republic of Austria 2003-04.

Day 231 of A Year of Deep Listening


AMBIENT SOUND FLOW, by Daniel Gardner

This piece is based on the evolution of a curve under curve-shortening flow.

Daniel is a composer and drum teacher based out of London Ontario. He is interested in the role of composers and composition in the training of young performers, particularly the potential of electroacoustics to act as an analogue for collaborative performance. 

Day 230 of A Year of Deep Listening


STRING PRACTICE, by Hannah White

I’m an artist, voice practitioner and facilitator, exploring sound and performance in non-traditional spaces. I am particularly interested in the meeting of vocal experimentation and text, using sound poetry, found text and cut-up/list texts alongside more lyrical structures and extended techniques. I’m exploring the intersection of artistic and spiritual practice, through ritualised and participatory performance scenarios that dissolve the boundaries between audience and performer. I’m a certified Deep Listening facilitator and Group Voice Therapy facilitator. 

Day 229 of A Year of Deep Listening


WINTER WALKING, by Rachel Epp Buller

I created and followed this score for 100 days of winter walking in Edmonton, Alberta while visiting there on a Fulbright fellowship

Rachel Epp Buller is an art historian and visual artist, deep listener, feminist thinker, collaborator, professor, mother of three.

Day 228 of A Year of Deep Listening



I’ve always been attracted by the motion of waves, by their transience and their immortality. We see water ebb and flow by waves, and we hear sound appears and decays as waves. This connection between water and sound typically inspired me on writing this work, as I want to merge them into one. I see it, and then I hear it.

Yifeng Yvonne Yuan is 25 years old. She converts the frequency of herself losing socks into the frequency of the pitches; she weighs raindrops to decide the weight of her noteheads. She is a composer, born and raised in China, and currently lives in Los Angeles.
Yvonne graduated from UCLA with a Masters’s degree in Music Composition. She studied with Richard Danielpour, Ian Krouse, Kay Rhie and David Lefkowitz. Her works are performed in the U.S, Europe, and Asia.

Day 227 of A Year of Deep Listening



Friendly algorithm was created during my studies in 2017 to become a Deep Listening certificate holder. It follows a conversation I had in London with artist Monika Dorniak whilst walking by the river Thames.

Artur M. Vidal is a Spanish-born saxophone player and artist who grew up in Paris and currently resides in London.